The ultimate game of skins for club golfers
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Handiskins hall of fame
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Championship Week
Handiskins National Championship
ProHandiskins Championship
Peter Lehmann Wines Golf Challenge
Championship Week Venue
Chipping Competition
Leuk the Duck Monster Raffle
Clubs & Competitions
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Sponsor Offers & Deals
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What the pros think
Player Testimonials
As Seen on Fox Sports
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How it Works
Register your club's interest
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Do you want Handiskins at your club? Just let us know and we'll get things moving.
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Optional - Please provide us with your best contact number so we can clarify any of the details with you
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Do you hold a formal role at your club? If so - let us know a bit more about your role at the club
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Tell us anything else you think may be relevant to help us get Handiskins up and running at your club.
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How it Works
Handiskins at a glance
Club packages & prizes
Rules and format
Register your club's interest
Handiskins hall of fame
Nearest to Pin
Championship Week
Handiskins National Championship
National Championships Highlights Video
Player packages on sale
Schedule & inclusions
Rules, eligibility & format
Leaderboards & Scorecards
Past champions
ProHandiskins Championship
ProHandiskins Highlights Video
Eligibility criteria
Schedule & inclusions
Rules & format
Leaderboards & Scorecards
Pro packages on sale
Past champions
Peter Lehmann Wines Golf Challenge
Peter Lehmann Wines Golf Challenge Highlights Video
Schedule & inclusions
Rules, eligibility & format
Leaderboards & Scorecards
Past champions
Player packages on sale
Championship Week Venue
Chipping Competition
Past Chipping Competition Winners
Leuk the Duck Monster Raffle
Clubs & Competitions
Major Sponsors & Partners
Challenge - Supporting Kids with Cancer
Sushi Hub
Mercure Gold Coast Resort
Bridgestone Golf
Peter Lehmann Wines
Synergy Building Supplies
Made by Fressko
Clutch & Co
Golf Car Parts and Repairs
Sponsor Offers & Deals
Local Club Sponsorships
What the pros think
Jamie Hook from Pacific Dunes Golf Club talks Handiskins
Player Testimonials
As Seen on Fox Sports