Challenge is a not-for-profit organisation that delivers daily support to children and families living with cancer. Since 1983, Challenge has helped over 600,000 children and families, making a real difference to their quality of life from the moment they are diagnosed, through treatment and beyond.
Challenge provides quality, tailored programs to make life fun for children and families. We offer services 365 days a year, including camps, family activities, parent support, art and music therapy, holiday accommodation and an extensive ticketing program. Our hospital support program provides iPads, gaming consoles, internet access, a reading program and celebrity visits for kids undergoing treatment in hospital.
We also operate the Challenge Family Centre which offers an extensive range of non-medical support services such as playgroup, music therapy, massage therapy, information seminars and a resource library.
Leuk the Duck
Leuk the Duck is the Challenge mascot. Leuk is short for leukaemia and he was created by Herald Sun cartoonist Mark Knight. Robert Allenby is the Challenge International Patron including Leuk the Duck.
Since 2015 Handiskins has chosen to partner with the Challenge Foundation and donates $4.00 from each registration fee to the foundation – supporting kids with cancer.
Statement from David Rogers - CEO Challenge Foundation
Since 2015 Handiskins has chosen to partner with the Challenge Foundation and donates $4.00 from each registration fee to the foundation – supporting kids with cancer.
“As a professional golfer, Jarrod Lyle was honoured to be involved in the Handiskins program. Being both a fun competition as well as an opportunity for club golfers to experience what the game is like on a professional level, Jarrod always strongly encouraged golf clubs to be part of this great concept.
Jarrod was an Ambassador for the not-for-profit organisation Challenge, which works to make life a little brighter for kids and families living with cancer. Jarrod and Handiskins were proud to partner together to support families in need and with Jarrod’s recent passing, Handiskins have pledged to continue making a difference in his honour.
You can help by joining the Handiskins program, fundraising or simply purchasing Challenge’s Leuk the Duck merchandise.
Good luck to all the clubs and players involved.”
David Rogers OAM
Challenge CEO
Visit the Challenge Foundation Website